Three Tips to Increase Your Search Engine Visibility

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO for short, is big business—and rightly so. The higher up your site lands on a search engine like Google, the more likely your customers will find you. SEO can seem overwhelming, but here are three quick tips to set you up for success.

If you need help with this or need to spend the time doing other things, please let us know. We are always happy to help. 

Tip 1: Search Engine Description

This short one or two sentence description about who you are and what you do is used in search results by search engines like Google—which means it's super important.

How to do it:

  1. From your Home menu, click Marketing

  2. Click SEO

  3. Enter your business description in the Site Meta Description text box

Tip 2: Page descriptions

This is an easy one, but nonetheless, very important as well. A short description for each page quickly tells search engines what that page is all about when they are indexing your website.

How to do it:

  1. Hover your mouse over the title of a page in the left hand column that shows a list of all the pages on your site.

  2. Click on the cog icon, then enter a short description of the page you selected in the text box marked “Description.”

Tip 3: Image alt tags

Image alt tags appear when someone is using a screen reader to browse a website. They are very important to have so that your site is accessible to those with visual impairments. While alt tags are helpful from an accessibility standpoint, they are also viewed by search engines like Google as they scan your page for content. These short image tags can add valuable keywords that will affect how search engines rate your website.

How to do it (from Squarespace Support):

Captions added in the Inline layout become alt text for the image. To add alt text but not a caption, add the caption text, and then select Do Not Display Caption.

For all other layouts, the captions don't become alt text, but you can set it manually using the Inline layout:

  1. Open the block editor.

  2. In the Design tab, choose the Inline layout.

  3. Use the caption field to add the alt text.

  4. Switch to any other layout, and add any text you want to display as the caption. The text you added in the Inline layout will remain the alt text.